La Salle-Peru High School opened the new school year with a new cellphone policy to help eliminate classroom distractions.
The policy was passed in May, students may use them before school, at passing periods and during lunch. They must be stored in their assigned school lockers at all other times. Additionally, electronic devices are prohibited in classrooms unless their use is provided in a student’s individualized education program and/or 504 plan and is allowed during band while marching band is in season.
Superintendent Steven Wrobleski said he believed the teachers were doing a great job enforcing and reminding the students of the new policy.
On Friday, the school confiscated 10 cellphones and on Monday the school confiscated another 10 cellphones and an ear bud.
“We opened the school very differently than we’ve done in the past,” he said. “We started an all-school kind of rally in the gym. They’re positive. … We talked more on the positive side. Be compassionate. Be self responsible.”
Wrobleski said the cellphone policy is about eliminating distractions and allowing teachers to teach and students to learn.
“I couldn’t be prouder of our kids and our staff right now,” he said.