Commissioner Terry Eutis to resign from Oglesby council

Residents interested in post asked to apply by May 31

Terry Eutis, Commissioner of Police, Ambulance and Fire for the City of Oglesby announces his resignation during the Oglesby City Council meeting on Monday, May 20, 2024 at Oglesby City Hall.

Oglesby Commissioner Terry Eutis announced Monday he is resigning from office, effective May 28.

Eutis told the Oglesby City Council he is moving out of the region – indeed, out of the state – and will no longer meet the residency requirements of his office.

“It was my pleasure serving everyone”

—  Terry Eutis, outgoing commissioner

The retired firefighter and paramedic will have had a brief stint on the council, having been appointed in spring 2022 to replace Carrie Lijewski and winning his first election in spring 2023.

“It was my pleasure serving everyone,” Eutis said. “I appreciate you guys putting your faith in me and I did the best I could. I wish the city the best moving forward.”

Eutis’ announcement drew respectful applause from the largely full spectator gallery and his peers praised him for his hard work and composed demeanor.

Oglesby Commissioner Terry Eutis (right) congratulates newly-sworn Oglesby police officer Spencer Shaw after Shaw's swearing-in Monday, March 18, 2024, at Oglesby City Hall.

“You were the calm guy up here,” Commissioner Tony Stefanelli said. “From day 1 you provided the stability this group needed.”

“You’ve done a great job, I consider you a friend and I appreciate your efforts,” Commissioner Rich Baldridge said.

Mayor Jason Curran said Eutis leaves an unexpired term of more than two years, with the result that an appointee would serve about 10 months before the remainder of Eutis’ term must be filled at the next municipal election. He asked interested applicants to bring a resume and letter of intent to the city clerk’s office by the end of May.

It is most unlikely Eutis will be around to see the conclusion of a study he sought for Oglesby Fire and EMS. Eutis moved to enter into a contract with McGrath Consulting for a fire/EMS study at a cost not to exceed $26,900.

“This is to determine the viability of our model going forward, to see whether it’s viable,” Eutis said. “I don’t think anyone here is qualified to making that determination.”

The study was unanimously approved. Curran said the closing of the Peru hospital (since reopened) caused staffing disruptions that still must be resolved. He noted each city has a different model and there is no one-size-fits all approach.

Finally, EMS director Cathie Edens urged Oglesby residents to request the Oglesby EMS provide non-emergency transfers, which is an option even though OSF HealthCare has entered into an agreement with Stark County Ambulance.

“Please let us be your first choice,” Edens said.

Eutis agreed. He said despite Stark’s name, it is not a county-run ambulance but a for-profit service that takes business away from Oglesby EMS.

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