Bureau County Retired Teachers Association to meet April 17

Bureau County Historical Society and History Center officials to present program

Lex Poppens, executive director at the Bureau County Historical Society and Museum

The Bureau County Retired Teachers Association will host its first spring meeting at noon Wednesday, April 17, beginning with a catered luncheon at the Princeton Public Library, 698 E. Peru St.

The program for the meeting will be presented at 12:30 p.m. by Jessica Gray, curator of the Bureau County Historical Society and History Center, and Lex Poppens, executive director.

The caterer, Park Tavern, requires reservations five days before the meeting, which is Friday, April 12. The unit will not order additional lunches. Individuals who order a lunch and are unable to attend will need to reimburse the unit ($15). The menu is mostaccioli, tossed salad and Texas sheet cake.

Participants may attend either the luncheon and the program or just the program. Invite a retired colleague to attend, and spouses are welcome. To make reservations for the luncheon, contact Alice Ehmen at 815-638-2387 or ehmenah@gmail.com.

A newsletter was sent earlier this week to all retired teachers in the county by Bureau County RTA Unit. If you did not receive a newsletter, email BureauCoRTA@gmail.com.

The 2024 speakers will be local to Bureau County, and the BCRTA leadership team will address concerns about teacher pensions, health benefits, legislative protections for retirees, the state organization and many benefits available to IRTA members.

Retired teacher local membership allows a local voice in how the organization is run and supports local volunteers filling state leadership positions.

Local dues are $10 a year, payable in April.

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