Peru BB Gun Club celebrated during council meeting

Team wins its second match in a row against Oglesby

The Peru BB gun team was recognized for their historic back-to-back wins over the Oglesby BB gun club in their annual shoot-out on March 1 during Monday’s city council meeting.

The Peru BB Gun Club was recognized for its back-to-back wins against the Oglesby BB Gun Club in their annual shootout March 1.

The team was presented with a trophy at Monday’s Peru City Council meeting and congratulated on its victory. The shooters won 1,741-1,717 against Oglesby.

Peru Mayor Ken Kolowski said the team had won one time in 10 years, and now it has won back-to-back matches. Kolowski said it is a great thing for the city and the police department to sponsor.

“You think it’s just teaching them to shoot BB guns, [but] no,” he said. “It’s discipline, teamwork, sportsmanship. I go down there every Monday night. It’s fun to watch, and the kids are loving it.”

Peru club co-directors Joe Michael and Bill Krolak presented highlights of the season, recognized the club’s dedication to the sport and thanked parents and volunteers for their hard work and time.

The co-directors said the club had 34 shooters this year, nine marksmen (265-274 out of 300), eight sharpshooters (275-284 out of 300) and six expert shooters (285-300 out of 300). Aubrey Eitutis was the top shooter of the season.

The members of this year’s team were sportsmen Charlotte Nadolski, Braxton Parker, Mila Morris, Alaryck Bentley, Gavyn Bentley, Declen DeRubeis, Matthew Michael, Tucker Morris, Maddyx Nadolski, Jordyn Parker, Carter Spence and Timmy Steinz; marksmen Camdyn Bentley, AJ Kloet, Jason Kloet, Jason Bryant, Ellie Curtin, Ben Gedraits, Lily Greathouse, Johnny Michael, Eli Washkowiak and Micah Washkowiak; sharpshooters Louie Budnick, Matt Krolak, Brayden Lindberg, Joshua Padlo, Theresa Panicucci, Finn Paul, Ryan Spayer and Arabella Wagner; and experts Byrd Bunzell, Kailey Harpr, Emma Spayer and Roddick Wagner.

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