Marseilles council to back Eagle Scout’s dog park plan

Project near city’s boat launch expected to start this spring

Marseilles City Hall

The Marseilles City Council on Wednesday night learned, commended and pledged the support of one young man to bring a dog park to the area near the Illinois River boat launch.

Dylan Trettenero, an Eagle Scout with the Marseilles Troop 799, was introduced to the council by Commissioner Jim Buckingham and spoke briefly of the project, which he hopes to begin putting together as soon as possible this spring, weather permitting.

“There wasn’t one here in Marseilles and the idea just popped into my head,” Trettenero, a 16-year-old junior at Ottawa High School, told the council.

“We’ve certainly had some excellent Eagle Scout projects here in town,” Mayor Jim Hollenbeck said. “We certainly wish you the very best and anything we can do to help you, city equipment or whatever, we’d be happy to do it.”

Marseilles Commissioner Jim Buckingham (right) presents a check to Greg Stock of the Middle East Conflicts Memorial Wall board in the name of the late Vickie Finan.

Buckingham also presented a check for $1,500 to Middle East Conflicts Memorial Board member Greg Stock in the name of Vickie Finan, a local businesswoman and active supporter of local veterans organizations in the area, including the Marseilles American Legion and the Illinois Veterans Home in La Salle.

The funds came from the daughters of Finan, a 1972 graduate of Ottawa High School who died in September 2023.

“I’ve known Vickie and her family for years,” Buckingham said. “She always had something to do with veterans here in town … and we know they will put this to good use. The Wall relies heavily on donations like this and this one is certainly welcome.”

In other action, the council:

Approved the payment of $20,900 to Hopkins and Associates of Granville for the audit for fiscal 2023-24. Commissioner Bobby Kaminski pointed out the firm has done exemplary work for the city and has even picked up other clients as the result of Marseilles’ recommendation.

Approved a special event permit and waived the fee for the St. Patrick’s Day parade to be held on March 16.

Adopted a resolution approving a joint funding agreement for the sidewalks on Rutland Street. City Engineer Mike Etscheid explained the project was slated to be finished by March 24, but had to be reapproved when the scope of the project was changed.

Heard from Hollenbeck there will be a Valentine’s Day party at the American Legion from 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17, a fireworks fundraiser featuring chili or soup from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10, at the Community Center and a Winter Dance 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 24, at the legion.

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