Guest column: Am I techie yet?

Carole Ledbetter

Technology is a struggle for seniors.

Tonight I am sitting in my apartment trying to figure out how to learn and enjoy recent gifts of “technology” given to me by my children.

I have a new laptop computer, my cellphone has been updated and I have a picture frame that rotates my favorite photos. My family members can send me new pictures whenever they want to.

Unfortunately, I’m not as techie as my kids think and I don’t know how to grant them permission to post the new pictures. How do I say “yes?”

My son’s instruction is simple: “Just use the AP, Mom!”

My response: “What’s an AP?”

Years ago, when I was employed at Union Bank in Ottawa, my husband and I took a 28 day trip to Europe.

When I returned to the bank, my typewriter had been replaced by a computer, because the young woman who filled in for me while I was away only knew how to type on a computer.

I thought it would be an appropriate time for me to upgrade my office skills, so I went to Illinois Valley Community College and studied computers.

That was the beginning of my “technological adventure!”

Technology is a major challenge for those of us in our retirement years – and we don’t want to miss out! It’s called FOMO – fear of missing out!

I remember the day I picked up my first cellphone.

I was on my way to a meeting and the helpful young woman at the phone store quickly went over the instructions with me and I was on my way. I tossed the phone onto the car seat beside me and headed for my meeting.

Almost immediately, the phone rang and I had no idea how to answer it. I laugh at that now, but technology still is a struggle for me.

My children are helping to keep me techie, but technology today keeps changing and newer things are on the way, such as AI – artificial intelligence. I don’t even want to think about that

I have had a cellphone for many years now and I’m amazed at all I can do with it. I am never without it and I fear losing it.

But still I ask myself: “Am I techie yet?”

Carole Ledbetter is a former, long-time Write Team member who resides in Ottawa.

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