June 15, 2024
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REUNION - Streator High School Class of 1959


The Streator High School Class of 1959 had its final formal dinner reunion Sept. 8 at Eastwood and enjoyed a fine program before using the word "Sayonara," a theme from the junior prom and the 1959 senior year book.

More than 100 class members and guests attended the events. Co-chairs were John G. Fornof, of Las Vegas, and Jean (Allen) Kimes. Committee members were Marcy (Handzo) Munks, who has served as treasurer for each reunion and helped with decorations, also Diana (Woodward) Dean and Robert Goerne on class scholarships, Ralph Hermann, Larry Jerde, Ronald Senate, Edward Wargo and Alan Hall.

This was the class's 59th reunion. Organizers hope everyone will keep in touch and maybe plan some luncheons. If someone local would volunteer to keep further reunion plans going, the periodic event could happen in the future.

Murders and Missel-Aneous performers interacted with the gathering and contests took place ranging from special talents to drawing who the mystery murderer might be. The performance was funded by Fornof.

Social hour was from 6 to 7 p.m. and classmates received an SHS Bulldog red thermal souvenir cup compliments of Sharon (Vivian) Weiss. Programs with listing of classmates and addresses and deceased classmates were given to class members.

Fornof gave the welcome speech. Suzanne (Padilla) Kovalcik gave the invocation and with Ralph Hermann read the list of more than 80 deceased classmates.

Jean (Allen) Kimes spoke about the scholarship awards the class sponsors. Bob Goerne reported on donations for scholarships and stated there is $28,000 in the fund. A 50-50 project Sept. 8 created more funding for the scholarships. Nancy (Panno) Eden, wife of Bob Eden, took photos and shared them on social media. Gerald Kreitner led the singing of "Nine Rahs For Dear Old Streator High" created by Dorothy Mulford Coolidge.