Letter: What’s Next? Scotch tape or Elmer’s glue?

Sauk Valley Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

It can’t get more ridiculous than this. Paper Clips? Apparently Jennifer Lawson doesn’t mind wasting taxpayer money and the Lee County Board’s time and publicly humiliating herself by having such a trivial objection (to candidate petitions; from April 2 edition of Sauk Valley Weekend).

I have no idea what these three board members did, but there certainly is a very big underlying vendetta put into motion here. These three board members must be doing their job well to be such a threat to Lawson’s agenda if the only thing she can attack is their use of paper clips. Really, Jennifer?

If the paper would have run this on Thursday, I would have thought it was a great April Fools’ joke. But it wasn’t and it isn’t. The paper apparently had a very very slow news day if it thought this ridiculous story was important enough to waste not only the front page on it, but a full page article inside. Or maybe it thought it was so ridiculous it just had to share it with its readers.

Wish I lived in District 1. I would not only support these board members, I would volunteer whatever time they needed to support their projects in question.

The $64,000 question here is what is the “real” reason Lawson is objecting to these election petitions. It can’t be paper clips. It just can’t be paper clips.

If it is, this is politics at its most desperate and ridiculous.

Wake up people and demand the rest of the story and don’t step in it while you are waiting.

Carolyn Leake
