Letters: Kendall County First Responders - We Thank You!

All First Responders: Whether it’s a lost puppy or a wandering elderly person in the community, or someone crying in the area, It takes people to take the time to help or talk to someone who maybe having a hard day. You never know the difference your kindness can make. Thanks to all responders even the simplest effort. Ms. Carol Anaski-Figurski

First Responder Joshua Petersohn: Most people meet their hero, I raised mine. Deborah Petersohn

First Responder Dave Hubrick: Dave is a kind and caring man. He knows what to do when needed. Thank you to all responders. Debbie Morrick

First Responder Travis Martinez: Thank you for being a great coach & mentor for my son over the last decade! Andrea Dial

First Responder RL Dunn: Robert, thank you for your many years of service to the citizens & City of Aurora Fire Department. Bob Dunn

First Responder Alex Dunn: Thank you for your service with the Bristol Kendall, Paw Paw, & Ottawa Fire Departments. Jeannie Dunn

First Responder Sean Koch: Special thank you to Detective Koch from Plano PD. Det. Koch volunteers once a month to tech my IVVC students defensive tactics. Jim Kerry

First Responder Travis Martinez: Thank you Travis, not only for what you do for work, but what you do day after day outside of your long days at work helping to better the youth in this area. Being an educator, coach, mentor, support, friend. Everyone that has the pleasure of meeting you is lucky. Thank you again for all you do! Gillen Family. Colleen Gillen

Andersen Plumbing & Heating: You helped us out a couple times. The last time was right before we were leaving for California and it was a big job and we thank you so much, The Kellers. Karen Keller

First Responder Kelly Garcia: Thank you, Officer Garcia, for the many ways you have impacted the kids in Oswego. As recently as four days ago, I watched you talk an elementary-aged student through a crisis, and she’s now getting the help she needs. Your relationship with our youth goes back over 10 years, when you made a connection with my own son. Oswego is grateful to have you looking out for our kids! Kim Adorjan

First Responder Frank Sterioti: Thank you for your dedication to serving our community and helping to keep us safe! Karen Sterioti

First Responder Matthew Yackley: Thank you for your dedication and hard work serving our community. For the past 25 years, we have admired your hard work and are so proud of all your achievements. Melissa Yackley