Letter: Voice of reason

keyboard, letter to the editor

To the Editor:

I encourage you to reelect Dominick Cirone to the SD308 School Board. Dominick has been an advocate for all students and families in SD308 for many years, and our community is better because he works for all of us.

I’ve witnessed his empathy, loyalty and passion while participating on committees and many groups throughout our district and community over the past 10 years. His experience is diverse and valuable.

Dominick Cirone brings a wealth of fiscal insight to the position through his professional training and also knowing the history of our district’s finances. Dominick is dedicated to the wiser use of our resources and committed to the overall economic health and vitality of our schools. He brings thoughtful and methodical insight that I find reassuring and refreshing.

Dominick Cirone is a tireless and trustworthy advocate, and we need his voice of reason on our school board for at least four more years.

Ruby Reveles
