Golf carts on Sandwich streets? Aldermen are hearing from constituents

Sandwich aldermen are hearing from their constituents on a proposal to allow golf carts on city streets.

During an Oct. 25 council meeting, Alderman Fred Kreinbrink said he’s received “some interesting mail” concerning the golf cart proposal while Alderman Bill Littlebrandt said he has received messages on both sides of the issue.

Alderman Rick Whitecotton said his communications have been similar to what Littlebrandt reported.

“I’ve gotten a lot of feedback,” Whitecotton said. “But most of mine has been positive.”

At meetings earlier in the month, Alderman Brent Holcomb shared the possibility of the city allowing residents to use golf carts to travel around the city and a resident was among those to speak in support of the idea.

A timeframe for a vote on a possible golf cart ordinance has not been announced.

Mayor Todd Latham did not attend the council’s Oct. 25 meeting but said he expects to be at the committee-of-the-whole meeting on Nov. 1 and council meeting on Nov. 8.

Aldermen Bill Fritsch and Rich Robinson also were absent from the Oct. 25 meeting.

In other business, Alderman Rebecca Johnson praised the Sandwich Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual Spooky Sandwich Trick or Treat Tour event held Oct. 23.

“I thought the event this past Saturday for the chamber’s Halloween walk was fantastic; the chamber did a great job,” Johnson said.