Thank You Teacher Letters 2023: Bureau County Republican

Letters to Teachers for Thank You Teachers

Allison Nichols: Allison is the Elementary group teacher at Lighted way in LaSalle. Her and her paras rock every single day to the fullest for this group of amazingly awesome kiddos! Stryder Hartmann

Laura Nichols: Thank you Mrs. Nichols for being a fantastic art teacher. You have helped me get better at art and learning to take more time on things. Thank you for letting me rant to you during my art class, it really does make a difference to me that someone as kind as you has the time to sit and listen to your students rant on and on about their days and what they have done that weekend. You are an amazing teacher and am amazing person to talk to thank you. Elizabeth Bowyer

Haley Ackerman: Thank you for being an amazing teacher and making fun things for us to do. Avery Bones

Brandy Jacobs: Thank you for always being positive, positive attitude even on your down days, positive influence, positive support, always being there when we need someone to talk to or vent to or need help anything school or home related. Thank you for always being there. Jazzlyn DePauw

Jordan Soja: Thank you, Ms. Soja for making school fun for our boy! This is the first year he’s been excited to go to school and we really feel it’s due to your fun personality and positive interactions with the kids. And no homework might help too. Oliver Stabler

Ashley Anne: Isaiah and I would like to thank you for all your hard work last year and your dedication to try and get him to school. Please don’t ever stop being you. Isaiah Bushman

Amanda Fischer: Mrs. Fischer is an amazing teacher & individual. She loves each and every student as her own. She is welcoming, patient, kind, & creative. There is no one else I’d want my children to have as their first teacher experience in Kindergarten! She definitely deserves this recognition!!! Jack Leffelman

Terry Vandermoon: Terry is an outstanding teacher. She is always friendly with all the kids . She always has a smile on her face and ready to help. Danika Burden

Angie Thompson: Thank you for all you have do! You go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to your students. Your patience and love for them is top tier! We’re so thankful for you! Kristina Cain

Miss Highland Wiseman: Although it’s been 66 years since she was my English teacher in Depue , I want to thank Miss Wiseman for insisting that my spoken English be as good as my written English: if you can count it, use “number,” not “amount;” subject and verb must agree; there, their, and they’re are not interchangeable. My subconscious mind still keeps all that straight without conscious thought. Also, you taught us not use a knife on something that can be cut with a fork! Norma Hedges

Margo Cartwright: Mrs. Cartwright,You are the best teacher. You are very nice. I am glad I am your student. Thank you for being my teacher. Love, Sawyer Quanstrom

Marcia Caldwell: Thank you. I love you all the time in the whole entire world, and you always love me all the time. You love me every day. Thank you for being the best teacher. I love everything at school with you. Plus, I am five years old. Love, Sawyer Quanstrom

Haley Ackerman: Thank you for being an amazing teacher and making fun things for us to do. Avery Bopes

Heidi Anderson: Thank you for making 2nd grade awesome! Since being in your class I have become a better speller and writer. The most important lesson I learned is to be a kind and caring person. Hope you had as good of a year as I did. I can’t wait for 3rd grade, but I will miss you! Trenton Pierson

Brandy Jacobs: Thank you for always being positive, positive attitude even on your down days, positive influence, positive support, always being there when we need someone to talk to or vent to or need help anything school or home related. Thank you for always being there. Jazzlyn DePauw

Mandy Fischer: Thank you for being such a kind and catching teacher to all! The kids love you! Arial Hebrew Breedlove

Heidi Anderson: Heidi, thank you for being a ray of sunshine to every kid you meet! Mia Jacobs

Christa Gruber: Thank you for being so kind, patient and understanding! Truly the best kindergarten teacher. Zach Nutter

Erica Leinhan: Chase would like to say Thank you for all you do. Chase Depauw

Amanda Fischer: Mrs. Fischer is an amazing teacher & individual. She loves each and every student as her own. She is welcoming, patient, kind, & creative. There is no one else I’d want my children to have as their first teacher experience in Kindergarten! She definitely deserves this recognition!!! Jack Leffelman

Debbie Rossler: Thank you for all you do! It’s so comforting knowing you truly care about your students and do so much to help them! I know you are one of the best parts of my daughters day as I am sure the rest of your students. Maya Bantista

Alicia Conner: Thank you for trying to help me with what i’m going through with my mom. And i like how if i need someone to talk to your there for me to talk to. Matthew Huggins

Kristal LeRette: Thank you Mrs. LeRette for teaching me that I can do things that I thought I couldn’t do. Thanks for making me believe that people do like me. Also, thanks for teaching me to like math and helping me to tell time. Thanks for sharing Elsa. Thank you for not letting me give up and for never giving up on me through the hard times and the good times. Chandra Segerstrom

David Gray: Thank you Mr Gray for being my teacher. You teach with passion, you teach with humor, you are charismatic. You invest in your students well being and education. You are selfless in your education of the youth by taking your time outside of school to further our education. I am grateful to have had a teacher who shows great amounts of dedication to the profession of a thankless job and provided me with an opportunity to learn of history and it’s importance. Thank you for being my teacher and my older brothers and some day hopefully my younger brothers. Camdyn Vorhies

Marla Schultz: I love Miss Marla. She’s my first teacher ever. She taught me so much - like the “5 little monkeys” song. I love her smile and it makes me want to give her 5 billion hugs. I like when she laughs because then I laugh too. Please pick her because she really is the best… and has a lot of patience. Luella Tanski

Mrs. Williams was my 2nd grade teacher. She is favorite teacher because we had fun doing lots of crafts and learning about penguins. I was excited that I was taller than an emperor penguin. Aiden Robinson, 61330

Brent Kalsto: Mr. Kalsto is my favorite teacher because he really makes PE fun. We do more of a variety of stuff than we did in the younger grades. Aiden Robinson

Kathy Cook: Teachers are what we depend on 7 hours of our day to keep us safe and to help us learn. You have done this in so many ways. Not only in Spanish, but also in History, Drama, and Language arts. You’re such a hard working woman and i’m so happy to call you my teacher and I’m so thankful for everything these past years. Marilyn Clausen

Stacy Harper: Thank you for making first grade so much fun. Thank you for your patience, support and showing us kindness. Every day you show us how to be better humans and we can always count on you to lead us when we lose our way. You have taught us so much this year and we will forever cherish the memories we made in your classroom. I think I speak for everyone when we say that a thank you doesn’t do enough justice, but THANK YOU! John McConnell

Holly Kitchens: Thank you Mrs. Kitchens for always leaving your door open. You are always there whenever I need help. If I don’t understanding something you take the extra time for me. If I’m having a bad day you take the time to listen to me. You encourage me to know I can do it. Charlotte Hubbard

Alicia Conner: Thank you for trying to help me with what i’m going through with my mom. And i like how if i need someone to talk to your there for me to talk to. Matthew Huggins

Alex Binek: Thank you to him because he has really helped me develop a passion for playing the trombone a passion i hope to keep up for a while. So thanks to him he has really changed my life. Lily Switzer-Bowers

Jenni Eastmen: Thank you Ms. Eastmen. You were so amazing. you were always there when i needed something. I could always talk to you if i needed something. I will always know you as my favorite teacher ever. Laynie Ford

Ms. Conner: Thank you for being an awesome teacher this year and the last year because so far you have been the nicest teacher I have had. Armany Delatorre

Mrs. Goodrum: Thank you for teaching me in Kindergarten. I had a lot of fun with you during that time I hope you come back and teach. Rylee Blades

Heidi Anderson: Heidi, thank you for being a ray of sunshine to every kid you meet! Mia Jacobs