2 Bureau County youngsters become junior members of American Angus Association

Junior members are eligible to register cattle in association events

Trevor McIntire ties up his three pure-breed Angus cattle after competing the the market steer and heifer competition at the Grundy County 4-H Fair on Sunday, July 30 in Morris.

Toby Behrends, of Sheffield, and Carly Wiggim, of Princeton, are new junior member of the American Angus Association.

Junior members of the association are eligible to register cattle in the American Angus Association, participate in programs conducted by the National Junior Angus Association and take part in association-sponsored shows and other national and regional events.

The American Angus Association is the largest beef breed association in the world, with nearly 22,000 active adult and junior members. Go to NJAA.info for more information about the National Junior Angus Association.

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