Cortland Mayor Mark Pietrowski announces 2025 reelection bid

Mark Pietrowski Jr.

CORTLAND – Cortland mayor Mark Pietrowski Jr. recently announced his intention to run for reelection in the 2025 consolidated election.

Pietrowski, who won the race for Cortland’s mayorship in 2021, and was sworn into office 20 days later, announced his reelection campaign at the Cortland Lions Den, 70 S. Llanos St. on Sunday, according to a social media post.

“I am ready to earn another term to serve as Mayor of Cortland and would love your support,” Pietrowski wrote in a social media post on Sunday.

Pietrowski, a Sycamore High School class of 2001 graduate, was elected as a member of the Kishwaukee College Board of Trustees in 2009. He stepped down from the Board three years later to serve on the DeKalb County Board as a Democrat from District 3.

In 2012, Pietrowski was asked to serve as a delegate for President Barack Obama at the 2012 National Democratic Convention. In December 2014 he was elected Chair of the DeKalb County Board, a position he would maintain for five years, according to his Sycamore School District 427 Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame profile.

In 2021 as mayor-elect, Pietrowski said he didn’t want to see all new economic opportunities only go to DeKalb and Sycamore, instead of Cortland. On Sunday, he wrote that that issue remains a priority for his reelection bid.

“I still believe as I did in 2021 that Cortland is a Small Town with Big Opportunity and there is still more work to be done,” Pietrowski wrote.

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