Guest column: Babymoon? You learn a new term everyday

What is a babymoon?

I have asked that question of many people in the past few weeks. Most of them looked blank and asked, “a babymoon?”

Very few have ever heard the term before.

A “babymoon” is a vacation taken by a couple before the birth of a new baby. It is a trip best taken in the second trimester of pregnancy, between weeks 14 to 27.

My granddaughter, Ashley, and her husband, Zach, recently went on a babymoon to Paris. They are expecting their first baby in May of this year. This will be my fourth great grandchild!

They were here recently to visit and tell me all about it!

Their trip included the Catacombs of Paris, the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre Museum St. Chapelle, and a dinner cruise by the Eiffel Tower.

They exclaimed over the Paris food – escargot, snails, fresh oysters, crepes, croissants and macaroons.

So the next time you speak with an expectant mother, you will know what they mean when they mention “babymoon.”

No matter the trip, big or small, near or far, there will never be “just the two of them” again.

Carole Ledbetter is a former, long-time Write Team member who resides in Ottawa.

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