Helping Someone Overcome the Grief of Miscarriage

Losing a loved one is difficult no matter the circumstances.

Sadness, shock, and even anger are normal feelings during a time of grief. Supporting those who are dealing with a loss can be challenging, especially if a friend or family member has had a miscarriage. It may be difficult to find the right words or gestures to support someone you care about during such a loss. Here are a few tips that may help.

What not to say

“I can imagine how you feel.” Don’t ever say this because you can’t possibly know how someone else truly feels. Even if you’ve had the same thing happen to you, each person feels emotions in their own unique way.

“Let me know if there’s anything I can do.” This may seem generous and supportive, but in reality, it puts more strain on the grieving mother to think of something you can do.

“I understand. I’m dealing with a lot myself.” This is absolutely the wrong thing to say. You may be trying to show empathy with this statement, but this isn’t the right time for that.

What to say or do

Send a card or flowers. This gesture is standard for a reason, and it shows that you care while also giving the proper space.

Be there to listen. Sometimes not saying anything is the best thing. If the grieving mother or partner needs to talk, be there for them.

Simply say you’re sorry. It can be difficult to find the right words, so instead just be honest. Saying you’re sorry, or even admitting you don’t know what to say, is a way to show genuine support.

These are just a few ways to help your friend or family member with the grief of a miscarriage. Any grieving period is difficult, so it is important to understand the proper ways to show support during this time.

For more information or questions about grief management, please visit, or call us at 815-288-2241.

Jones Funeral Home

204 S Ottawa Ave

Dixon, IL 61021

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