With Valentine’s Day around the corner, you may be trying to plan a fantastic date night with your significant other. In Downtown Crystal Lake, there are options galore — just choose the vibe you prefer and have a terrific time!
- The Vibe: Dinner and a Show. Book tickets to a comedy or music show at Raue Center For The Arts (events.rauecenter.org), and plan a night around it. For a list of Downtown dining options, head to downtowncl.org, then select explore > dining.
- The Vibe: Retro Fun. Call Metro Bowl to ask about Open Bowling hours, which change and are limited. (Opening line on your date: “you wouldn’t think bowling would be the most exclusive thing to do downtown, but it kind of is.”). NOTE: Bring a record over to Crystal Lake Brewing on Wednesdays, and they’ll spin it for you!
- The Vibe: Putting Yourself Out There. Mix things up with a little rush of adrenaline. The Other Side Sober Bar & Cafe, Aroma Coffee & Wine, and Labemi’s Tavern & Restaurant all have Open Mic nights. Duke’s Alehouse and Cantina 52 have Karaoke. Call to check on days and times, or follow them on social media.
- The Vibe: Day Dates. For brunch and shopping, sit at the bar at Cafe Olympic or get a table at Benedict’s La Strata. Then stroll the streets and duck into shops as they strike your fancy. Paint a keepsake at Color Me Mine. Head to Mellie’s Chocolate Co. or Cheshire Cakes for a little treat before, after, or while you wait. Enjoy complimentary tastings on Saturdays at Off the Vine Wine Shop and The Olive Tap.
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For more information, please contact:
Downtown Crystal Lake/Main Street
25 W. Crystal Lake Avenue
Crystal Lake, IL 60014