Emergency preparedness tips for those with special needs

Living in uncertain times is challenging, but the best way to cope with potential emergency situations is preparedness. For those with special needs, crisis situations can be particularly difficult. In honor of September being National Preparedness Month, Jennifer Prell, president of Elderwerks Educational Services, offers these tips to better prepare for and respond to an emergency:

1. Make a kit

If a weather or other emergency situation prompts a quick exit situation, having a Go Bag ready is the best course of action. The bag should include essential life-giving medications, water, a first aid kit, extra batteries, a flashlight, canned or bagged snacks and/or emergency meals, calming items, durable medical equipment, and copies of important documents. If oxygen is required, a portable oxygen tank should be readily available. Additionally, having a list or saved numbers in a mobile phone also provides an extra layer of security.

2. Register with the Premise Alert Program

Add your name to the Illinois Premise Alert Program, which allows individuals with special needs, their families, and caregivers, to provide information to police, fire and EMS personnel describing special considerations that may be required when responding to that individual’s residence. You can find the application on your city’s website.

3. Make a pet evacuation grab and go bag

Pet owners should also assemble a Go Bag for pets, containing a few days of food, water, medications, a calming coat, or other necessities, as well as the phone numbers of your veterinarian and pet-friendly hotels that can shelter you both.

4. Keep an open line of communication

Planning for different kinds of emergencies also includes communication. Having a pre-arranged meeting place at a location nearby should you be required to evacuate your home. Family members or neighbors should know where to seek you out if you aren’t at home. Make sure your mobile phone is always near you. Portable charging devices that retain power for long periods of time are also a good backup.

Elderwerks Educational Services : 251 E. Northwest Highway, Palatine, IL 60067: 855.462.0100 : https://www.elderwerks.org/

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