Sleeping While Camping

Camping is great way to get back to nature and reset your body’s sleep clock.

However, for most of us, roughing it can pose some significant sleeping challenges. Biting bugs, uncomfortable temperatures, and a hard, lumpy bed are among the most common obstacles faced by campers trying to get some quality shut-eye in the wild.

Adequate sleep is important all the time, but it’s especially crucial if you’re going to be hiking, kayaking, or bird-watching the next day and need to bring your A-game.

Coming up with a comfortable sleeping system is a cinch if you’re car camping. You can bring along a camping bed or cot as a base, the plushest sleeping mat, or the most deluxe air mattress – and even your favorite pillow – without worrying about how much space they’ll take up.

With the rising popularity of ultralight hiking, there are plenty of pads and self-inflatable options for creating a comfy nest without overburdening your pack (or your back!). You can also find inflatable pillows and compact blankets in most camping supply stores.

Your sleeping bag is just one component of sleeping cozy in a chilly climate. Wear a dry, lightweight layer such as thermal underwear, plus socks. Keep a hat and gloves nearby if it’s going to be really cold. You can pile on extra clothes or your coat on top of your sleeping bag for extra warmth. On a hot night, you may end up sleeping on top of your bag. Take the rain fly off your tent and open all your vents for a cross-breeze.

Biting bugs like mosquitos can wreck a good time and impact your sleep. Bring along some good insect repellant and check yourself for ticks every day.

To optimize any camping experience, take basic safety precautions. Check the weather and route ahead of time, and always make sure someone at home knows where you’ll be.

Verlo Mattress Factory: 5150 Northwest Hwy., Crystal Lake, IL 60014, 815.455.2570,

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