Letter: Let’s grow good citizens!

Letter to the Editor

During the last spring election in 2023, voter turnout was 13.5% in McHenry County. Generally, even in presidential elections voter turnout hovers around 70% of registered voters, and that doesn’t even count the 20% or so of adults not registered but qualified to vote.

What can be done to increase participation on democracy’s best idea? Although there have been many plans brought forth that can be implemented on a state or national level, there is one idea that could work locally: Register students in their high school on their 18th birthday.

It is easy to have a staff member volunteer to become a trained voter registrar on the campus where they work. Marengo Community High School has the staff member in the student services office as an on-the-spot voter registrar. Students know to just swing by the office with their two IDs and get it done.

Shouldn’t all high schools have that opportunity available to students? Schools teach courses in civics and history, and registering to vote is an extension of those classes.

Any staff member in every high school in our county can step up for the training, and then celebrate every new voter’s franchise. Let’s do it!

Pat Lawlor


Sarah Colie

Oakwood Hills

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