Like the Independence Day firework shows or La Salle County 4-H Fair, the sunflowers blooming at Matthiessen State Park have become a July tradition.
Despite a wet spring, the bright flowers are in full bloom – located on the north end of the model airplane field within the river area entrance.
The flowers bloom through July, and by August they seed, and wilt through early September, with their lifespan attracting pollinators and providing shade for deer, opossums and raccoons. The sunflower seeds are planted in an effort to attract doves for hunting season.
The dozens of acres of field dedicated to the flowers also have attracted photographers and tourists alike from all around the state in past seasons. Anyone planning a professional photography session must apply for a filming and activity permit through the park office at least two weeks in advance for approval. Call 815-667-4726 for information.
Park staff asks visitors to be respectful of the flowers and don’t remove them.