When People Tell You 'You Don't Need It' You Probably Do

While we live in a vast world, our everyday lives revolve around a much smaller group of friends, families, and co-workers.

This inner circle provides support, approval and advice. However, this can have an enormous negative impact on our family and finances.

You might remember as a kid you’re your mom scolded you about doing something, “If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?” We are talking about social influence and conforming to what the group thinks even though common sense or your personal beliefs conflict with your inner circle.

“There are people who will tell you that you don’t need Long-Term Care Insurance. Often, they are wrong,” said Matt McCann, a leading expert on long-term care planning. “The facts are clear; we will experience changes in our health. Our bodies will change over time. Even our memories will suffer. There is a good chance you will need long-term health care. How will it be handled unless you have affordable LTC Insurance?”

McCann says health insurance, including Medicare and supplements, will not pay for most long-term care. Families are unable to fill the role of being a caregiver. You might have been told you have enough money to pay for care, but even if you do, he asks, why would you want to?

The LTC NEWS Cost of Care Calculator shows the gravity of the financial impact long-term care will have on your income and assets. The costs will be even higher in 25 years.

“Will the people who tell you that you don’t need Long-Term Care Insurance pay for your care? Will they become your caregivers? The answer is easy - no. Even if a financial advisor says you shouldn’t worry about it, common sense will tell you that is poor advice,” McCann explained.

Long-Term Care Insurance gives you guaranteed tax-free benefits giving you access to your choice of care, even at home.

“With a policy in place, your assets will be protected, lifestyle maintained, legacy intact, and your family will have time to be family. That is a lot of peace-of-mind,” McCann said.

McCann is licensed nationwide and works with the major companies. His unique process allows you to view his computer screen as you speak with him safely on the phone. Nothing could be easier.

Learn about the several types of available policies by clicking here. There are tax incentives that you may be eligible for as well. The best time to obtain coverage is before your retirement, ideally in your 40s or 50s.

McCann Insurance Services: 866.751.7957: www.mccannltc.net