So Many Long-Term Care Insurance Options – How to Decide

If you have done any research on Long-Term Care Insurance or spoken with an agent or advisor, you can easily become overwhelmed with information and options.

Like most people faced with a lot of choices and lack of understanding, you put off the decision for fear of making the wrong choice. The good news is there is an easy way to learn and shop without feeling overwhelmed and pressured.

“I have been helping people plan for the financial costs and burdens of aging for over 20 years. My goal is to make it easy to learn and shop. There are more similarities between policies than there are differences,” said Matt McCann, a nationally known expert on LTC Insurance and planning.

The plans are fairly simple when they are adequately explained.

“Clients have told me that they learned more from me in 30 minutes than they did from sitting with other agents or advisors for hours,” McCann said.

Many financial advisors or general insurance agents will limit their discussion to one insurance company or one type of plan. Several types exist.

“After asking many questions about your health, finances, family history, and retirement plans. I can make an appropriate and affordable recommendation. I review and shop all the major companies, and you will be relieved knowing you have done your due diligence,” McCann explained.

McCann says premiums can vary over 100% between insurance companies for the same benefits. You might have received a quote from an agent or advisor already, but only after speaking with a specialist, like McCann, will you have a good overview and feel comfortable with your decision.

Prepare your family and finances for the consequences that come from aging and health changes. Longevity brings a bigger risk of needing extended care or supervision due to memory loss. Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance gives you access to your choice of care at home or a facility.

McCann has a unique process that allows an individual or couple to view his computer screen on their computer or tablet as they talk with him on the phone. It is an easy and pressure-free way to learn and compare all the options from all the companies.

McCann recommends several online resources to assist in your research. LTC News offers news and resources, including specific information, including the current and future cost of care in your state:

His website offers many resources for research:

He recommends planning before retirement when premiums are lower, and you may qualify for good health discounts.

McCann Insurance Services: 866.751.7957: