Looking Back for July 20, 2022

DeKalb Township High School cast of the play Abraham Lincoln presented March 3, 1924, at DeKalb Township High School.

1922 – 100 Years Ago

A special election will be held in the east side school district at Aurora next Tuesday for the purpose of authorizing the board of education to build a new schoolhouse in the southeast section of the city and to buy a site for the building. The polling place will be open from noon until 5 p.m.

Clarence Palmer of the firm of Lewis & Palmer this morning delivered to the DeKalb County Tuberculosis Sanatorium a new player piano in addition to a number of rolls following the movement started Monday night by the Odd Fellows and quickly taken up by other organizations and individuals of the city.

Chris Bresnaham driving one of the 9 taxis had a rear wheel come off the machine he was driving last night on Third Street near Lincoln Highway. The wheel dropped off letting the car down to the pavement with such a force that the brake shoe was broken. No one was in the car except the driver at the time of the accident and the machine was taken back to the barns for repairs.

Roy Stoddard who purchased the Fred Brittan poolroom several days ago took charge of the business Monday. Mr. Stoddard took possession of the store the day of the purchase but left Fred Brittan in charge until he could finish his business in Janesville, Wisconsin, where he was in the soft drink business. As soon as Mr. Stoddard finds a home he will move his family here.

Two cents a gallon is the drop in price announced by the Standard Oil Company that’s effective today. This will bring the price of the fuel to 23.2 cents per gallon. The announcement will be greeted with much joy by the many tourists and people planning to take auto trips. The former price had been effective for several months and many people thought that it had been fixed as a standard price. The drop will be a big saving to many people.

Through the efforts of the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce the large arch west of DeKalb on the Lincoln Highway will be completed within the next few days. The area bearing the inscription “DeKalb”will be identical with the one erected at the eastern entrance to DeKalb a few weeks ago. When finished the two arches will make the entrances to DeKalb very pleasing.

1947 – 75 Years Ago

IfMoses and the wandering tribes of Israel had discovered DeKalb County at the end of their 40 years in the wilderness, they would really have found “the land of milk and honey.” This fertile county, 36 miles long and half as wide, is “fat” with nature’s bounty. It is, perhaps, one of the richest agricultural county in the entire state of Illinois. There are 407,040 acres of land in the county and 346,174 of them are tillable, or approximately 95 per cent. The rest is broken land along the streams or within city boundaries.

The new Drs. Smith building on the northwest corner of Third Street and LincolnHighway is rapidly being wrapped in its stone overcoat. Within a matter of days, barring unexpected delays, the exterior of the building will be completed. The stone has been laid of three sides now and the front is being closed in. When the side walls are completed, the permanent roof can be laid and then the work can go ahead regardless of the weather outside. The new building is being erected by Dr. Clifford E. Smith. The main floor will be the new location of a drug store, and the upstairs will contain Dr. Smith’s office, as well as several other offices.

Workmen are rapidly completing a job of “face lifting” on the First National Bank building at the southwest corner of South Street and Lincoln Highway. When they pull the scaffolds down from the face of the building sometime next week, it will gleam like a new structure. A crew had been working there for about three weeks making repairs, tuck pointing, painting and cleaning the exterior and they expect to finish next week. A bank spokesman said that he refurbishing operations were undertaken to repair ravages of the weather during the war years when nothing could be done because of scarcity of material and men.

Graduates from the Glidden School are quite high school minded and are getting ready fora busy year ahead. Last evening George Embree entertained a group of friends at a neighborhood party at the garage, which his father, Waite Embree, recently remodeled. This was the second of a series of parties the boys have arranged this summer. Decorations were in orange and black, the high school colors. Games, dancing and refreshments were enjoyed.

1972 – 50 Years Ago

Hopkins Park and problems concerning it were the main topics of discussion at the monthly meeting of the DeKalb Park District yesterday afternoon. Topics of discussion were of a permanent bridge to Hopkins Park, obtaining a new water heater for the shower room atHopkins Park pool and a proposal to put a traffic light up at the intersection of Sycamore Road and Dresser Road.

Tom Robertson, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Robertson of rural Kirkland escaped serious injury in a recent electrical storm. Tom was assisting his father with chores at their home and as he pressed the button to turn off the automatic feeder the lightning struck and he suffered burns on his right hand and arm.

Michael Stevens, 14-year old son of Mrs. Judy Stevens, Northbrook, rode his bike Sunday from his home to visit his grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Safford, rural Sycamore. Stevens said the trip, which is approximately 60 miles, took him approximately five and one-half hours. He said he left his home around 5:45 a.m. and arrived at his grandmother’s home on Route 64, three miles east of Sycamore around 11:15 a.m. Stevens said that this was his first long trip and said he just felt like visiting his grandmother.

1997 - 25 Years Ago

It is not too hard to figure out why DeKalb School District officials favor property off Bethany Road and North First Street as the site for a new elementary school. For starters, when and if the district begins construction on the new school, there is a good chance that most of the utility and infrastructure need at the site will already be in place. The Bridges of Rivermist, the 242-acre housing development which will hold between 600 and 900 housing units, may also be the home for a proposed 250-student elementary school.

This morning’s thunderstorm served as faint reminder of last year’s record rainfall, which brought a federal disaster area declaration to DeKalb County. When area residents awoke on the morning ofJuly 18, 1996, they found between 11 to 15 inches of rain had fallen in less than 24 hours.

The horde of UFO believers who gathered along a normally lonely stretch of desert in Roswell, N.M., earlier this month is the latest evidence of the foolishness that government cover-up can cause. The visitors gathered for the 50th anniversary of a believed UFO crash, an event the U.S. government probably could have debunked decades ago. Instead, the Air Force waited until a week before the anniversary to product a 231-page report which offers reasonable explanations for a series of strange eyewitness accounts of events that occurred decades ago.

Compiled by Sue Breese