Letter: Kids need junior high sports

keyboard, letter to the editor

To the Editor:

I would like to preface my remarks by stating that I do not have a kid in junior high. My kids are grown and I have no dog in this fight. That being said, it seems that COVID-19 relief funds are either ticketed for new boilers for some of the schools or support of junior high sports programs.

Folks, yes boilers are very important, but the kids of junior high age are also important. These children have been bottled up with COVID-19 restrictions for over a year. They need junior high basketball or soccer or track as much as they need heat from a new boiler.

My kids played junior high sports ages ago. They had inspirational enjoyment competing against other schools. It instilled pride in their schools and themselves.

Some of those kids will go on to play high school sports. Without junior high sports that provide a platform for advanced competition, what will transpire? Someone will come up with the idea to cancel those competitions, as well. Then you’ll have even bigger problems.

I beg you to look at the COVID-19 funding and find a way to do both. The kids need sports to build pride, confidence and self-esteem. I beg you to go to work on the distribution of those funds.

Don Lass
