How Often Should You Wash Your Bedsheets?

Merry Maids of Sycamore - How Often Should You Wash Your Bedsheets?

Although an every 2-week washing regimen has become commonplace, we recommend weekly washings to eliminate harmful bacteria. Because of the general nature of your sheets, they tend to attract thousands of dead skin cells and odors. These factors warrant more frequent washing and changing of your bedding to keep you and your family healthy.

You should wash your sheets more often if you:

  • Have allergies or asthma
  • Have an infection or skin condition
  • Sweat excessively at night
  • Have pets that like to sleep in your bed
  • Go to bed without showering

When you don’t wash your sheets and other bedding regularly, you run the risk of exposure to harmful fungi, bacteria, pollen, and animal dander that can get trapped in the fibers of your sheets.

What’s the Best Way to Wash Sheets?

Hot water is always the best way to wash and sanitize your sheets. Although, more delicate fabrics and textures may require different cycles or water temperatures so always follow the care label instructions.

The Best Ways to Keep Sheets Clean Longer

If life gets in the way, you can make some changes in your lifestyle to keep your sheets and bedding cleaner longer, so washing frequently isn’t as necessary.

Keep your sheets clean between washing and help preserve them by:

  • Showering before you go to bed
  • Removing makeup before you go to sleep
  • Avoiding lotions, creams, or oils right before bed
  • Not eating or drinking in bed
  • Keeping your pets off your bedding

Avoiding fabric softeners with every wash can also help keep your sheets looking like new. To replace fabric softener, use a quarter-cup of baking soda or a half-cup of white vinegar in the wash during the rinse cycle. Your sheets will feel softer and look brighter without any irritating chemicals or overpowering smells.

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