Letter: Voting is a civic duty

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I’ve been in public office since 2018. This may not be a long time on the calendar, but it’s a long time in terms of where we’ve gone as a state since then.

I’m working to restore to Illinois a government that is not only responsive to the people it serves but also engages with the people it serves. Servant leadership takes many aspects into an overall responsibility for our actions and the consequences that arise from those actions.

I get complaints on local issues affecting the cities, counties or school districts within my district.

Often, the first question I ask in response to the complaint is, “Have you contacted the local government unit to share your concern?” Most of the time, the answer is “no” they haven’t reached out – they’re just frustrated. The second question I will ask is, “When is the last time you attended a board meeting, council meeting or open forum?” It is rare to get an answer sharing they have attended a meeting.

My point is this – our democracy, our country and our state are based on a participating and engaged population. It is the responsibility of all of us to ensure we are engaged in what happens through one of our most important rights, the right to vote.

It is with this backdrop I urge you to own your responsibility to vote in the April 4 local elections.

My granddad told me, “If you don’t vote, you surrender your right to complain on any consequences for any issue you don’t like.” Regardless of your feelings on the state of affairs, make it a point to register and vote on or before April 4.

Jeff Keicher

70th District state representative


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