Remembering a Loved One via Social Media: A Step-by-Step Guide

Norberg Memorial Home - Remembering a Loved One via Social Media: A Step-by-Step Guide

Emotional grief from the loss of a loved one is a process that takes years, so using social media can be a powerful way to continue the eulogy over time. But what are the best methods for sharing that your loved one has passed? The following steps may be helpful for memorializing a loved one on social media.

Speak with Those Closest First

The end of a loved one’s life is never to be taken lightly, those closest to the deceased shouldn’t find out via social media. Anyone who would be grieved by their loss should be contacted by phone or in person.

The good news is that grieving on social media, when timed right, has shown to have an overall positive impact on mental health.

Don’t Rush the Initial Post

When in the first stages of grief, finding the right words can be difficult. Don’t rush the process. Giving yourself time allows your words to be less of a reaction to the loss and more of a response that keeps the grief of other family members and close friends in mind.

Post Service Details

Social media is a useful tool for sharing the details of the service(s). Before posting, confirm that all details are accurate.

Share Stories and Memories

When you share stories, you invite others to do the same. Stories are powerful ways of giving shape to not just memories but even to identity, so sharing them through social media can help the grieving process.

Another way that social media is beneficial when sharing stories is that it allows you to post them long past the death. You can post on your page or revisit your loved one’s Facebook or Instagram account, either periodically or at specific moments, such as on their birthday or anniversary, to share a memory, reflection, or funny anecdote. Others can do the same.

You can also use social media to engage with a nonprofit set up in your loved one’s memory. You can establish an organization dedicated to a charitable cause important to your lost loved one — an excellent way to honor their memory.

Keep Social Media Accounts?

Platforms such as Instagram and Facebook allow you several options for your loved one’s accounts. You can contact Facebook, for example, to have the page taken down by using identification documentation and proof of death. Similarly, Instagram lets you memorialize the page or take it down. To do either, you need to present a death certificate and proof that you’re their lawful representation.

Finding Comfort in the Process

By sharing in ways that honor your loved one and including others, you can bring comfort to all involved. By commemorating your loved one’s life, you help to strengthen memories, build community, and heal both individually and collectively.

Norberg Memorial Home is dedicated to providing memorable remembrance experiences for our client families. For more information, please visit our website or contact us today.

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