April 19, 2024
Letters to the Editor | Daily Chronicle

Letters to the Editor

Letter: No matter who wins in November, America has lost

No matter who wins in November, America has lost.

We now live in a nation where the toxic example of our politicians on both sides of the political arena have conditioned and groomed people to hate, judge, denounce and think only they and their opinions matter. No longer is bipartisan or a differing opinion acceptable.

Where people are allowed to freely break the law and destroy property without consequence because they are “owed.” Where God, our flag and our history are no longer respected or accepted. Where human life is a pawn for political gain. Where it is OK for a politician to create lies and attempt to destroy someone’s life because they don’t want them in a certain position.

Where it is OK for a politician to be corrupt because it can easily be swept under the rug. Where a politician dictates who works, what we do and how we behave, yet they and their families don’t have to follow the rules or worry about financial ruin. Rules laden with hypocrisy.

Where the media and social media decide what can and can’t be said. Where social media no longer is social or media. It is a breeding ground for hate, lies and destruction ... all with the click of a button. Where the example set for our youth is one of disrespect and being owed.

So, yes, no matter who wins in America in November, the biggest loser is America.  Because it is no longer for the people by the people, but for the politicians by the politicians.

Cheryl Bast
